Monday 7 January 2013

Brajesh's Review : The Shadow Throne

It was so appropriate that I finished Aroon Raman's - "The Shadow Throne" while watching the 3rd India-Pak ODI which turned out to be a thriller as India defended a paltry 167.

The book is a similarly fascinating thriller but plotted against the current backdrop of political paralysis in India. From this real landscape emerges the plot of a possible Nuclear conflict.

I haven't read such a fastpaced thriller by an Indian author and was totally surprised by the plot and characters which kept me turning the pages. Aroon Raman has left enough towards the end which points to a sequel and I can't wait for the same. The trio of characters at the center of the book, Hassan the police inspector, Chandra the reporter and Meenakshi the history teacher are real and believable. A great start to 2013 where the book happily surprised me. I hope more such wonderful encounters with books await me through 2013.

Rating : 3.5 / 5

Also read - Kim's Review of the Shadow Throne

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